Zona de lucru:
2500 mm
Dimensiunea mașinii:
3000x1650x2350 mm
5000 kg
Toate caracteristicile

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Hydralic Press Brake HB 6325

Brief of Hydralic Press Brake HB 6325


Hydraulic press brake Wattsan H-bend is designed to perform bending of metal sheets of various sizes and thicknesses without preheating the metal. All-welded construction with increased margin of safety, linear guides, smart hydraulics, as well as four active independent working axes in combination with a motorized beam deflection compensation system guarantee perfect repeatability and high quality of finished products.

The use of various combinations of dies and punches allows bending at almost any angle, expanding production possibilities. This class of metalworking equipment is ideal for enterprises with a large assortment and volumes of products.


  • Hydraulic system

    The proportional valves and optical rulers ensure that both cylinders are synchronized, resulting in ±0.01 accuracy, repeatability, parallelism and high quality end products. Machine cylinders and high power main motor ensure reliable operation of the entire hydraulic system. The main motor of the machine is Siemens (Germany).
    Hydraulic system
  • Backgauges

    An important condition for achieving a perfect bend is the stability of the backgauge. The rigid and strong design allows to make a product of impeccable quality. The back stops of the A series benders move along linear guides and are manually adjusted.
  • Motorized deflection compensation system

    Deflection compensation avoids the effect of “reciprocating” and maintains high quality of the final product 24/7. The latest generation motorized compensation system (along with manual and hydraulic) simplifies machine maintenance and is indispensable in mass production enterprises.
    Motorized deflection compensation system
  • Мounting system

    Thanks to the Amada-Promecam type bending tool mounting system and the adjusted coaxiality of the machine, any set of sections can be mounted on Wattsan machines without centering. Matrices of the Amada-Promecam system have a base of 60 mm and are installed on the machine table through various types of adapters. In this way, 1V, 2V and 4V strand matrices can be fixed.
    Мounting system
  • Range of bend configurations

    4 active machine axes: – Axes Y1 Y2 – synchronized axes of hydraulic cylinders, work in conjunction with optical rulers – Axis X – linear movement of the rear stops forward / backward – Axis R – linear manual movement of the backgauges up / down
    Range of bend configurations
  • The C-shaped frame

    The monobloc C-shaped frame design makes it possible to perform precise operations 24/7 for 10-15 years of operation. This design has a number of advantages: More space for mounting large and heavy tools on the side; the ability to extract complex, angular parts from the side; the possibility of using several machines in pairs for bending very long parts.
    The C-shaped frame

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    Controlul calității în 3 etape: la fabrica Wattsan, la depozitul nostru din Olanda, înainte de livrare.

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Experiențe de la blogeri entuziaști

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  • Acest aparat de gravare cu laser poate grava fără probleme. Cât de rapid și de ușor este capabil să personalizeze produsele!

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  • O treabă grozavă făcută într-o oră. Mulțumită vitezei mașinii cu laser CO2.

    Roberto D'Adago Roberto D'Adago
  • Acest model este grozav, iar precizia laserului este nebună, este ascuțit ca o lamă de ras!

    Roger Jungo Roger Jungo

Caracteristici tehnice


Dimensiunea mașinii:
3000x1650x2350 mm
5000 kg
Zona de lucru:
2500 mm


Cursă de alunecare :
150 mm
Adâncimea gâtului:
320 mm
Viteza de coborâre:
180 mm/min
Viteza de apăsare:
12 mm/min
Viteza de întoarcere:
160 mm/min
Puterea motorului principal:
5.5 kW
Cursa axei X:
500 mm
Viteza axei X:
300 mm/s
Cursa axei R:
200 mm
Viteza axei R:
60 mm/s
Dimensiune contur:
3000x1650x2450 mm
Între coloane:
1760 mm
630 kN
Max. Lungimea de îndoire:
2500 mm
Max. Înălțime închisă:
460 mm


Sistem de control:
Delem Da58T

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