marcador a laser WATTSAN FL TT BOX with protective cabin

Laser marker WATTSAN FL TT BOX — security and reliability
Desktop laser marker WATTSAN FL TT BOX is designed for marking different kinds of metals and some non-metallic materials.
The main advantage of the laser marker protective cabin and a system of extraction of combustion products. Protects eyesight and respiratory tract damage with a special hermetically sealed screen with protective glass. The fiber marker is equipped with a launch pedal, which is indispensable for mass production. Depending on the selected lens, the marker can be equipped with a work area with the following dimensions: 75х75, 110х110 and 140х140 mm
This machine is quite durable due to emitter’s service life of 100,000 hours. Machine does not require any specific education for operating: it is controlled via the EzСad control system, intuitive interface of which provides fast mastering of the equipment. It supports the following image formats: AI, PLT, DXF, SVG, BMP, JPEG, GIF, and PNG
Protective cabin
Thanks to the lockable housing, the machine provides full protection of the operator's vision from reflected laser radiation.
Extraction system
The machine includes a three-position adjustable hood that removes the combustion/vaporization products that result from the laser's impact on the material. By removing the metal dispersion, the quality of the product processing is improved and a high degree of health safety is ensured.
Auto-focusing scanner
The original Sino-Galvo scanner, with optical sensor, allows the focal length to be adjusted without operator intervention.The integrated motor lowers and raises the scanner when the machine start button is pressed.
Lens and working area
The machine has a static table and is limited in height. Its maximum working field is 110 X 110 mm. This field is characterized by a high concentration of beam power, providing high-speed, detailed, deep relief engraving of the product. The 140x140 lens can be used, but products must be of low height.
procedimento de compra
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Envio de fatura
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Total se a máquina estiver em estoque. 50% adiantado 50% na entrega se a máquina não estiver em estoque.
Verificamos a máquina
O controle de qualidade em 3 etapas: na fábrica Wattsan, em nosso depósito na Holanda, antes da entrega.
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Uma empresa de transporte ou você retira a máquina em nosso depósito.
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Características técnicas
Os marcadores a laser geralmente têm uma pequena área de trabalho: de 100*100 a 300*300. Você deve ter isso em mente ao escolher a máquina. Então você deve decidir com que tipo de material você vai trabalhar. Por exemplo, o marcador de Co2 é bom para madeira, plástico e plexiglass. Se você deseja marcar metal, deve escolher o marcador a laser de fibra. A escolha do emissor depende do resultado desejado. Por exemplo, se você deseja fazer marcação colorida em metal, IPG ou JPT são uma excelente escolha.